FishAholics Lure Review: OSP Bent Minnow
With a name like Osprey Spiritual Performer ( O.S.P. for short) who wouldn’t want to try a lure from this Japanese based manufacturer. This week’s lure review, I’m going to look at a unique type of lure for catching bass and stripers alike: it’s the O.S.P Bent Minnow. Why is this lure unique, well just look at it! The hooks are located on the side of the lure and it’s body is arced sideways. The OSP Bent Minnow is a Jerkbait/Subsurface/Top water type of lure. So how are you going to catch fish with a lure that’s bent, keep reading and I’ll show you.
OSP Bent Minnow
The OSP Bent Minnow is a floating lure available in 4 sizes: the 76, 86, 106 and 130. For the purpose of this review, we’ll be looking at the 130 model. The OSP Bent Minnow 130 is 130mm or 5.125 inches and weighs about 20 grams. That’s about the weight of 8 pennies or 20 paperclips, just in case you were wondering. The Bent Minnow comes in an array of colors. The one shown above is the Super Wakasagi. This particular color has a brown top that fades to an almost transparent side with a hint of brown and a subtle sparkle finish to the paint. Below you can see all the available colors.
You can find this lure HERE. TackleWarehouse sells the OSP Bent Minnow 130 for $24.99. A little pricey I might add but when the bite permits, it’s an exciting lure to throw.
Here’s Why The Lure Works
Fish can be very picky about lure presentation sometimes. The Bent Minnow is great for dead sticking because it mimics a dead or dying bait fish. Cast it out then jerk it once or twice, and just leave it motionless. Predatory fish can’t stand it, when you finally jerk the lure again after a long pause (and I mean 1-2 minutes at times), that lure will get hammered the moment it moves. These fish are visual feeders. They’ll scrutinize your lure about everything. You just have to keep them interested long enough to entice a reaction bite after that long pause.
If you don’t have the patience to draw a reaction strike from deadsticking, no problem. The OSP Bent Minnow can be fished rather quickly as well. You can jerk it to imitate an escaping bait fish. Predatory fish like stripers will give chase after this lure and strike at any moment.
The OSP Bent Minnow In Action
It works great just dead sticking. Jerk it and paaaaaauuuusssseee, shake it in place then repeat. Fish it slow and the fish will hammer it too. This will mimic a dying fish on the surface. Many times, fish will follow and scrutinize this lure before striking it. After a long pause, any movement thereafter, can cause a reaction strike.
If you don’t have the patience for fishing it slow, you can jerk that lure back as fast as you want. It is after all a jerkbait too.
It’s erratic and unpredictable. When you jerk this lure, it moves in random directions. It’ll dart left or right, dive down or dart up out of water. It behaves like an injured or fleeing fish which attracts predatory fish that are hunting near the surface.
Checkout this top view shot of the lure in action. Keep in mind how erratic it moves and how it darts with almost a 180 degree turn when stopped. This is sure to give predatory fish in hot pursuit a reason to strike.
Here are some things to consider when using this lure. Since the OSP Bent Minnow is well…bent in shape, this makes it less aerodynamic, your casting accuracy will decrease and the lure will change directions in midair sometimes. You will miss some strikes that this lure invites but with practice, your hookup ratio will improve. Like most top water lures, you have to wait until the fish commits to the bite before setting the hook. I’ve seen many fish strike a lure as if to injure it before eating it. Sometimes a delayed reaction will increase your hook up ratio quite a bit.
Below you’ll see the OSP Bent Minnow 130 put to the test at the California Aqueduct for some striped bass. You can also see how it moves underwater, plus the sound it gives off can be heard even through the water proof housing of the camera.
Don’t rule this lure out by any means. If the fish are actively feeding on the surface, this lure may outshine all the others you have in your tackle box. Next time you’re debating about a top water, subsurface or jerkbait type lure, consider giving the OSP Bent Minnow a try. Heck, it can do all three. This lure will definitely catch the eyes of more fish than it does fishermen.
Note: You don’t have to take my word for it. You can try this lure out for yourself. Simply sign up below for a chance to win this exact lure. We do this with ALL our lure reviews. We review the lures and give it away afterwards. The lure giveaway will end on April 05, 2015 at 8pm PST. The winner along with all the contestants will be notified 48 hours after the contest has ended via email. Good Luck!
***UPDATE: Drawing for this lure has ended.***
That lure has an awesome action! I’m going to have to try it at the local lakes here!
Give it a try Tony. It’s a great lure to have. Very versatile.
That’s thinkin outside the box!
Good action and definitely does immulate a dying baitfish.
Well, I like this lure not b/c I seen it here or other media channel. I liked it b/c my buddy used to have a larger and flatter one from another company which I thought was cool back in the late 90’s or so….I don’t remember exactly…but yeah. I always wanted one. I think it swims better had it been flatter and lighter but the action on this one in the video seems close to the Banjo or the fluke. With that said, it is very good. However, I must warn that b/c it is light and lipless, it will jump out of the water. Whether that is a good thing or not is purely up to you. And b/c it uses sharp trebles, the lure will get a rash over the top section (thin side) and the top of the tail end. Just saying. I have a permanent solution for this but I ain’t gonna tell you. So what I do extra to it is remove the front hook. I would add swivel and spit ring to the back and give it a single chrome hook for better action, flash, and hookups. Yeah, b/c I ain’t dumb. Well, since I ain’t dumb, I would like to add that the brand Payo Swan Bent Minnow is what I buy to save immensely on paper. Yeah. Thirdly, there are other options like the Switch 66 from Aussieland but they will charge you a hefty shipping of $25 for even one and 66 is pretty small. I know the dude so he says I can pick 3 for only $25 total. Yeah. Or you can pick from the ones from WLures or the one from Korea….I also like the one from my Ukraine buddy who makes them truly custom and at only $3-5 dollars a piece in various lengths. Yeah. There’s companies like Chomp, BigBite Slider, etc. etc. If you like this lure, TW is not where you should buy them. Ebay homie. That’s where you will find the most unique color selections. Let the truth be known.
Hey Troy, you’re right about how similar the action is to the fluke but I wouldn’t recommend taking the front hook off. I’ve caught several fish on that hook before. The Bent Minnow 130 is heavy enough to cast but it’s not the weight that’s the issue, it’s the design. Because it’s bent, it is less aerodynamic causing it to change directions mid air sometimes, thus decreasing your casting distance. I’m sure there are cheaper alternatives out there but stick to what works and what your comfortable with.
Well, you are right about it being aero bad…that design also is swimming bad that it jumps out of the water once in a while. I really like this lure. I don’t throw it enough b/c I have lots of killer lures…I do recommend the Payo..I have that one in Wakasagi and let me tell you it is purple…About the hook deal, I think I can do with it not having the first treble b/c I don’t care. I don’t care if the fish got off. Easier for me…and I’m not using it for bass like most people here. I use it for stripers. LOL. I forgot mention that part….They hit hard and if they miss, they will hit again…LOL. Just saying. Another thing that is both good and bad about this lure is the floating action and design…this is good to imitate a dying fish and it is virtually snag proof or you can keep it there still in twitching motion but I hate that you can’t get it to go any lower than say 2 feet….LOL. It’s a high rider like the Duel wake bait, right under the surface. That’s usually where I don’t want to be, esp. for stripers. I want to be either deep or on top. With that said, just beneath the surface is typically a bass thing.
Baitfish that are fleeing from predatory fish jump out of the water when they are trying to escape. This added feature compliments the Bent Minnow rather well. I would highly recommend this lure for black bass and striped bass alike. Again this is a subsurface/topwater/jerkbait type of lure so if you are looking for jerkbait that dives a little deeper, a Duo Realis or Lucky craft will do the trick. I’ve never heard anyone say that just beneath the surface is typically a bass thing. I’m sure alot of guys out there would disagree.
Yeah, I do agree that the added jumping is a good thing..kinda annoying at times b/c you still want the lure low..it’s just random. I don’t think you understand what I am trying to say but yeah….whatever. They can disagree all they want, doesn’t make them any better. I’m not here to argue with people. I am here to tell it like I see it. Secondly, if you don’t know, my Ukraine buddy on YT makes bent minnows that suspend bro. And, if you don’t know Lucky-E-Strike which is also Renosky Lures also makes a bent minnow that suspend. Man, you bring the best out of me brother. LOL. I’m Hmong and I approve of this message.
I have been able to create a bent minnow of the size and shape I like out of wood….but they are very light to throw as mention….Do be especially careful if you carve these things by hand b/c I cut my thumb so deep I can’t even feel my pain. and my buddy got scared..LOL. Just use a glove and never carve backward….just go forward. Use green and soft wood…that will save you the effort. And use the right tools…machine if necessary…
Yes sir, it does.