FishAholics Giveaway: Name The Price To Win
***Update: 04-30-2015***
The calculated retail price was $134.68. So, congratulations to Jeremy Cha for having the closest guess. You have until Sunday (05-03-2015) at 8pm to email me (mengxyong@thefishaholics.com) or you forfeit the prize to the next closest winner. Thank you everyone for participating.
Hey and what’s up,
Today, instead of a regular post, I’m giving you a chance to win all this free stuff. Big thanks to FishAholics pro staffer John Cha, he was kind enough to donate all these lures for this FishAholics Giveaway. I know many of you are use to seeing the giveaways in our Facebook community but I’m going to try something different this time. I’ll be hosting this giveaway here on our website.
Here’s How You Enter:
Name the total retail price down to the last penny of all the lures you see in the image below. Email me this total in the Entry Form below.
-The exact total or closest guess without going over will win everything in the picture above. Ties will be decided by a random drawing.
-Guess over the total retail price and your entry will not count. The first 10 participants will receive special treatment and will be allowed to guess over the total retail price but can only win if their guess is the closest to the actual price.
-Only one entry per person, if you are caught entering more than one entry, you will be disqualified.
The deadline to enter is 04-28-2015. The winner will be notified by email and announced here on the website within 48 hours after the giveaway ends.
UPDATE: Giveaway has ended. Thank You for participating.
Y’all are too awesome.
Thanks Scott. Just sharing the love with the FA community.
Who won? It says if we click on the email link we will know? Where?
It’s in bold at the top of the post. Jeremy Cha won the giveaway. Thanks for participating.
I see. Good to know b/c lots of freaking sweepstakes don’t show the winner and I think those can be scams…LOL. I mean why would you hold one, but not show the winner? It makes no sense but to falsely promote them…Well, thanks for showing b/c the companies that don’t gets x by me. People should x all companies that don’t. Just saying, not that the prize is sought after but for lying.