FishAholics was founded by Meng Xyong and Nick Xyong. Two brothers with a passion for fishing. They started FishAholics with a small group of family and friends who shared a common set of values and beliefs. As time wore on, the FAm grew and grew. There are two thing we value most as FishAholics: FAmily and Fishing.
You would never let any harm come to your loved ones right? Why not do the same for what we love doing, fishing.
Stay within regulations, report poachers and practice catch and release for future generations to enjoy. Some are so passionate about the sport, one can say it’s a way of life.
Our goal is to bring together a FAmily atmosphere while educating others about the sport of fishing.
Come join other like-minded anglers in our members-only Facebook community that’s growing every day, where you’ll find over 19k passionate anglers from across California, the United States and around the world that you can connect with. You can meet them here.

A little about the President and co-founder of FishAholics
When you use your passion to make a difference in someone else’s life, you’ve found your purpose. I’m Meng. I help people find fulfillment through fishing with my passion for the sport. Through this website, our facebook group, youtube videos and my seminars, I share my knowledge to bring you up to speed so that I can become your baseline.
I fish the California Aqueduct, O’Neill Forebay, San Luis Reservoir, California Delta and other locations all across California. I won’t shy away from trying new bodies of water because I love the challenge of the hunt more than the catch. There’s something about figuring out the bite that excites me. So I lay it all out in my fishing reports and tutorials. No details left behind.
Most of the great content you find here are from personal experiences and tried and true methods. If I don’t have an answer for you, I’ll research it myself or find someone who will. Whether you’re a seasoned angler or someone who’s just starting out, you’ll find information that’ll suite all levels of fishing.
Oh, while you’re here, make sure you sign up for free updates about tips, product reviews and anything fishing related. Plus, I’ll break down in detail how I caught a 14lb largemouth bass on one of my outings.