2018 FishAholics BBQ
FishAholics began as an idea that we can share our catches and fishing stories with family and friends without being criticized. Fast forward to today and we’ve grown from 49 initial members to over 18k members in three and a half years. We still maintain the FAmily atmosphere.
As the FAmily grew, our beliefs and values grew. We didn’t realize it at first but we were helping people find fulfillment through fishing. From the smallest tips to full blown video tutorials, we were helping people catch more fish and helping them learn more about the sport.
For many, fishing is our escape. Every day problems disappear the moment our lines hit the water. Being with people who share the same passion only made for a better environment.
The FishAholics bbq was a blast and brought together like minded people who shared the same passion. We shared fishing stories, old fishing pictures and talked about how fishing shaped us and the people around us.
I heard stories about how FishAholics helped members catch more fish and new species of fish. How FA has connected them with other fishermen. Some who have become close friends.
The love for the FAm definitely showed. We initially planned for a small get together bbq. The admins would provide a few burgers and hotdogs and cook for members. As the FA bbq got closer, more and more support rolled in. One member donated half a steer for the event which we chopped up that day for carne asada.
Many members donated prizes to raffle off. We certainly were not expecting prizes for raffle but when you create a FAmily type culture, people will contribute out of their own generosity. It’s what FAmilies do.
We had over 80 members show up throughout the day. People didn’t hang out in their own little groups but together as a big FAmily. Strangers greeting strangers and chatting like they were best buds.
I think FishAholics connects with people on many levels but one idea encompasses it all. The idea that through fishing, we can all find fulfillment. Fishing is that one thing that unites us, the glue that bonds us and is the commonality that holds together our diverse community.
It’s hard to believe how an entire community of great people can come to be from something as simple as a tug at the other end of the line.
You can find the rest of the photos by clicking HERE.
Is nice to have a big family in the USA
my other family is back home in Chile South America, love you all, thanks😎
Everyone knows you and we’re happy to have you as part of the FAm.